First Priority Global Expansion Phases

First Priority Globals expansion progress is measured and evaluated through the expasion phases of countries. Every country should be in one of the phases.

Phase 0: Not on the Map

Phase 1: On the Map

Each country enters the strategic expansion plan in Phase 1. This status is assigned when we identify a lead (person of peace)—whether an individual, organization, or network expressing interest. Our most effective expansion model is relational (intivations) not structured (top-down). The primary outcome in Phase 1 is to identify an “initiator” to establish vision casting.

Phase 2: Initiation

When we state we are in phase 2 we should ask the question, “who is our initiator?”

An initiator could be a potential Community Coordinator or National Coordinator, but they do not necessarily need to be. It is also a good trial role for a leader to identify it they have the calling and gifting needed to a FPG leader. An initiator can be a parent, a pastor, a leader who works in another ministry, an international.

Vision Casting

Sharing the vision of First Priority and may also include training on the strategy, but the primary goals of vision casting are creating exposure and excitement for the FPG vision and gaining trust with local and national leaders. Vision Casting is not only a large event. Many times it’s zoom calls, lunches, and speaking at churches. We are really looking for one person. Who will God speak to that will carry this vision?


Research includes understanding demographic, cultural, political, economic, language, and religious opportunities and challenges.

  • Is this going to be a school, church, or community model?

Phase 3: Training

When we state we are in phase 3 we should ask the question, “who is implementing First Priority strategies?”

There is a difference between “training” and “training for implementation.” Many times we do the First Priority training as part of first exposure to our strategies, but this doesn’t necessarily lead to ministry. Our leaders need to understand the value of both vision casting and training for implementation. The measure of success for Phase 3 is healthy teen led ministry.

The Focus of Phase 3:

  1. Training of Trainers – Preparing trainers who can lead others.
  2. Strategy Training – Equipping leaders with the knowledge and tools for effective ministry.
  3. Developing Community Core4 – Building a foundational network of local leaders dedicated to sustainability of the mission.

Phase 4: Multiplication

When we state we are in phase 4 we should ask the questions,

  1. Leadership – “Who is the National Coordinator?
  2. Effectiveness – “Do we have a clear “picture of success”?
  3. Scalability – “Do we have a ministry model worth multiplying?”
  4. Leader Development – “Is there consistent, weekly mentoring in place for the National Coordinator?”

In this phase, the Regional Expansion Team takes a more hands-off approach, focusing on mentoring and supporting the National Coordinator, who then leads expansion and implementation efforts. This ensures that growth is sustainable, locally led, and adaptable to each unique national context.