Reaching the Next Generation in Moldova with the Hope of Jesus

Give Now for the Gospel in Moldova

The Velicanenco Family

Meet Nikita and Katya Velicanenco, a dynamic young couple whose three years of marriage have been a journey of shared purpose and passion. Based in Tiraspol, Moldova, this vibrant team is making waves as the official representatives of First Priority in their country.

Their ministry is fueled by a vision to spark transformation across Moldova. Here’s how they’re making an impact:

Cultivating Young Leaders: Nikita and Katya are on a mission to nurture a new generation of leaders who will inspire their peers and illuminate their communities. They envision a future where ministries are driven by passionate young people.

Empowering Local Churches: Their work extends to equipping local churches by training teams and leaders to engage effectively with the younger generation. They believe in strengthening the church from within and through collaborative efforts.

Pioneering New Ministry: Despite Moldova’s modest size, there are still untapped areas with no church presence. Nikita and Katya are dedicated to pioneering new ministry in these underserved regions, aiming to establish multiplying teams of Christ’s disciples throughout the country.

The Velicanenco family’s commitment is a beacon of hope and transformation, lighting the way for a brighter future in Moldova.

First Priority Global Ministries is a 501(c)(3) corporation. First Priority Global Ministries retains full control over funds donated to First Priority Global Ministries and discretion as to their use in order to ensure that the funds will be used to carry out First Priority Global Ministries’ functions and/or to accomplish its purposes. Therefore, although we will make every attempt to accommodate donor requests, any designation concerning how a donation should be spent will be considered advisory only. All donations received for specified projects which exceed needed funds for said project will be used for other First Priority Global Ministries projects or expenses.