A New Vision for Sri Lanka

The main vision of Sri Lanka First Priority service is to be a light to the youth of the country by carrying the message of Jesus’ love to our lost young souls perishing in the darkness. Our main ministry is to guide, train and empower our Christian youngsters to make the great commandment of Jesus as their first and main task to fulfill that vision.

Bringing those empowered Christian young people to the various youngsters in Society, is our second main task. For this, it is our goal to send our Christian youth into the schools, universities, educational institutions and various youth social groups and share the Gospel message with the youth crowd.

To do this work, with the full guidance of the First Priority Global Ministry, the First Priority Ministry in Sri Lanka hopes to carry this vision into our 24 districts in the near future.

For that purpose, youth leadership groups have already been empowered in the First Priority Ministry of Colombo district.